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December 11, 2019

What about the Little 5?

When people talk about safaris they often talk about the ‘Big 5’ but what animals are they and why are they considered the most highly prized viewing out of the great many wonderful animals that you can see on safari?


November 26, 2019

Helping local communities in Zambia

For over 20 years the charity Project Luangwa has been raising funds through the generosity of the local lodges, and tourists that visit the area to build a brighter future for the children and the communities of the remote Nsefu area of South Luangwa, Zambia.


November 11, 2019

The South African Springboks

The Springbok is a type of antelope that inhabits open plains, grasslands, scrublands, deserts and semi-arid areas of South Africa. They’re very fast – reaching speeds of up to 60 miles per hour!


September 26, 2019

Mashatu launches its new Euphorbia villas

Experience Mashatu and immerse yourself in the beauty of Botswanan wilderness.


May 14, 2019

Can you spot the difference between a black and a white rhino?

It’s not quite as simple as it sounds! In Africa there are two species of rhino; black and white rhinos. Naming them by colour has created some confusion because both species of rhino are in fact grey!
