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Matobo National Park in the South East of Zimbabwe is Zimbabwe’s oldest National Park and a UNESCO heritage site.

Famous for its beautiful wooded valleys and granite kopjes formed over 2 billion years ago. The granite kopjes have weathered over the years leaving a variety of amazing shapes and formations. Some also have 2,000 year old rock paintings from the San Bushmen with over 3,000 rock ‘art sites’ which you can visit during your stay. With vast botanic diversity, the park is famous for its high populations of white rhino, sable antelope, leopards and the black/verreaux eagle. You can also spot black rhino, plains game, hyena, cheetah, secretary birds and the rare cape eagle owl. 

Did you know?

  • Mzilikazi, founder of the Ndebele nation, gave the area its name, meaning ‘Bald Heads’.
  • The game park in the west has been restocked with white and black rhinos, the former from Kwa-Zulu Natal in the 1960s and the latter from the Zambezi Valley in the 1990s.
  • Matobo National Park contains the highest concentration of black eagles, and breeding pairs of these birds, worldwide. Nearly one third of the world’s eagle species breed in the park.
  • There are no lion or elephant, which means you’re free to hike among the kopjes looking for the rock art and track the rhino on foot.
  • Mountain bike adventures and races are available in and around Motopos.
African sun symbol

Area highlights

Rock art
Rhino trekking
Amazing rock formations
Mountain biking

Let’s plan your trip together
Please contact Vicky at or call +44 (0)131 315 2464

“The lodges were environment conscious and supporting the local villages”

Richard & Janet, Spean Bridge

December 11, 2024

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